EXCESSIVE VOMITING: Can lead to dehydration & weight loss. If {nausea} & {vomiting} are severe seek medical advice. A helpful tip is to rise out of bed slowly, sit on the bedside, eat some dry toast & drink a cup of weak tea. Sometimes, vomiting is so severe that hospital admission is required to replace lost fluids by {infusion}.
MISCARRIAGES: Termination of pregnancy between {conception} & 26th week. It is thought that between 10-12% of all pregnancies terminate in the 1st 6 weeks, without knowledge of the mother.
How do you recognize a miscarriage?
With early signs of {pregnancy}:
bright red blood loss from {vagina}
lower abdominal pain, sometimes like period pains
cramping lower abdominal pain
passage of large clots from {vagina}
From 10-16 weeks, the {placenta} is more developed & the products of {conception} may not be completely expelled, so that bleeding from the {vagina} continues. In this case, a small operation is normal (to scrape the internal lining of the {womb}), & this stops the bleeding. With painless watery blood loss, you may be experiencing a !i! threatened abortion.
!n! The bleeding lessens & becomes dark brown. Call your doctor & go to bed.
If the pain is gripping or {colicy} passing from the back into each {groin} & lower abdomen, associated with heavy bleeding & the passage of clots, the miscarriage is termed !i! inevitable !n!. Call your doctor who will organize further treatment.
In certain circumstances the miscarriage is termed a !i! missed abortion. !n! You may experience some of the following:
early signs of {pregnancy} followed by a persistent dark brown vaginal discharge
regression of the early signs of {pregnancy}
breasts become normal
early morning sickness stops
It is important to consult your doctor since other complications may arise.
Tubal pregnancy occurs within the 1st 6 weeks & is due to the fertilized {egg} implanting in the {fallopian tube}.
As it grows within narrow confines the {fallopian tube} eventually ruptures & causes internal bleeding which if untreated, can cause death. You can recognize the problem by:
last {period} approximately 6 weeks before signs of {pregnancy}
acute onset of lower abdominal pain often with {shock}
dark vaginal discharge (prune juice in color)
If any of the above are present call your doctor. An operation is always required & the affected tube is removed. However, this doesn't mean you will be unable to have normal pregnancies in the future.